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Terms and Conditions for Our Travel Agencies

The law of 25.04.2018 amending the Consumer Code regarding package travel and linked travel services and implementing the EU Directive (UE) 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and Council of 25.11.2015 with regards to package travel and linked travel services, hereafter referred to as the law, that the traveller declares to acknowledge in its entirety and imposes various obligations on the organiser, and respectively the retailer who sells the products created by the organiser, especially in terms of information, and regulates/amends other domains, such as, the right to terminate the contract for package tours, the possibility to amend some clauses of the package travel contract as well as liability for providing the services included in the package, amongst others.
Some of the Law’s provisions, included in the Consumer Code (articles L. 225-1 to L. 225-23) have been copied identically and are therefore indicated in italics. Acknowledgements from travellers, amendments and exemptions and accepted by the passenger, as well as mandatory particulars required by law are indicated in bold type.

1. Applicability

In accordance with article L. 225-1 of the Consumer Code, these terms and conditions apply to package travel for sale or sold by professionals to passengers and to linked travel services facilitated by professionals for passengers and does not apply to:

  1. packages and travel services of less than 24 hours, unless an overnight stay is included
  2. packages offered and linked travel services facilitated on an occasional basis and for a non-profit cause and solely to a limited group of passengers
  3. packages on offer and linked travel services facilitated on an occasional basis and for a non-profit cause and solely to a limited group of passengers

2. Precontractual and contractual information

The new chapter 5 entitled package travel and linked travel services” of the Consumer Code provides in section 2 entitled “Information obligations and content of package travel contract (articles L. 225-3 to L. 225-6 of the Consumer Code):

Sub-section 1 - Precontractual information

Art. L. 225-3.

  1. The organiser, as well as the retailer, when selling packages via the intermediary of a retailer, communicates to the passenger information by means of a standard form as determined by Luxembourgish regulations, and if applicable to the package the information hereafter, before they are bound by the package travel contract or any other linked packages:
    1. the main characteristics of the travel services:
      1. the destination(s), the itinerary and tour periods, with dates and when accommodation is included, the number of nights included
      2. the means of transportation, characteristics and categories, the places, dates and times of the departure and arrival, the duration and stop-overs and transfers. If the exact time has not yet been set, the organiser and the retailer, as the case may be, inform the passenger of the approximate time of departure and return
      3. the situation, the main characteristics and, if applicable, the tourism category of the accommodation pursuant to regulations in the destination country
      4. meals included
      5. visits, excursions, or any other services included in the agreed total price for the package
      6. when this may not be apparent from the context, if possible, the approximate size of the group if the eventual travel services will be provided to the passenger as part of a group
      7. when other tourism services provided for the traveller rely on efficient verbal communication, the language in which these services will be provided; and
      8. information about whether the tour is, in general, suited to people with reduced mobility and, upon the traveller’s request, the precise information about the suitability of the tour to the traveller’s needs
    2. the company name and geographic address of the organiser and, if applicable, of the retailer, as well as their telephone numbers and if applicable their email addresses
    3. the total price of the package including taxes
    4. and, if applicable, all the charges, fees or any additional costs involved, or, when they may not be calculated in a reasonable way before completing the contract, an indication of the types of additional costs the traveller may have to pay
    5. payment methods, including the amount or the percentage of the price to be transferred as a deposit and the payment plan for the remaining amount, or the financial guarantees to be paid or provided by the traveller 
    6. the minimum amount of people required to provide the services included in the package and the deadline as referred to in article L. 225-10, paragraph 3, letter a), prior to the start of the tour for an eventual termination of the contract if the required number is not reached
    7. general information about applicable terms regarding passports and visas, including the approximate time required for obtaining visas, as well as information about health formalities for the destination country
    8. a notice stating that the traveller may terminate the contract at any time prior to the starting date of the package as long as the appropriate cancellation fees or standard termination fees claimed by the organiser are paid in accordance with article L. 225-10, paragraph 1,
    9. information about mandatory or optional insurances that cover contract termination fees by the traveller or the cost of assistance, covering repatriation, in the event of an accident, illness or death.

      In the event of package travel contracts completed over the phone, the organiser and, as the case may be, the retailer will provide the traveller with standard information on a standard information form as established by Luxembourgish regulations, and information that is listed in the first paragraph, letters a) to h).

  2. Regarding travel packages defined according to article 225-2, point 2), letter b), point v) (meaning travel packages bought for the purpose of the same tour or break from separate professionals via online booking procedures, when the name of the traveller, the payment terms and the email address are transmitted by the professional with whom the first contract is completed to one or several professionals and when a contract with one of them is completed less than 24 hours after the booking confirmation of the first travel service), the organiser and the professional to whom this information has been transmitted ensures that they each provide the information listed in paragraph 1, sub-paragraph 1, letters a) - h) before the passenger is legally bound by a contract or any other linked offer, as far as they are relevant to the travel services provided. The organiser also simultaneously provides standard information by way of the standard information form determined by Luxembourgish regulations.
  3. Information as stipulated in paragraphs 1 and 2 is presented in a clear, understandable, and apparent manner. When information is provided in writing it must be legible.

The traveller expressly acknowledges having received the appropriate standard information form as established by Luxembourgish regulations in a clear, comprehendible and apparent manner prior to being bound by a package travel contract or any other linked offer (Luxembourgish regulation of 25.04.2018 stating the standard information to be communicated by the professional, in accordance with article L. 225-3 of the Consumer Code) as well as other precontractual information transcribed again in article L. 225-3 (1) above, if applicable to the package. Furthermore, they acknowledge having been aware of these general terms and conditions before completing the package travel contract and knowing that these terms and conditions are an integral part of the package travel.
The traveller acknowledges in general that the organiser, or respectively the retailer, who sold the package travel contract, fulfilled their legal obligations according to article L.225-3.


Sub-section 2 - Binding nature of precontractual information and completion of a package travel contract

Art. L. 225-4.

  1. The information communicated to the traveller in accordance with article L. 225-3, paragraph 1, sub-paragraph 1, letters a), c), d), e) and g), are an integral part of the package travel contract and may not be amended, unless the contracting parties expressly agree otherwise. The organiser and the retailer communicate any relating amendments to precontractual information in a clear, understandable, and apparent manner before completion of the package travel contract.
  2. If the organiser and the retailer have not fulfilled their information obligations regarding charges, fees, or extra costs as stated in article L. 225-3, paragraph 1, sub-paragraph 1, letter c), before completion of the package travel contract, the traveller is not liable for the charges, fees or other costs.

In accordance with provisions in article L-225-4 (1), the traveller expressly accepts that information as determined in article L-225-3 (1) paragraph 1, letters a), c), d), e) and g) are provided in a non-definitive way and may be amended under certain conditions, at least if the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg Ltd.
The traveller acknowledges that any relating amendment to precontractual information was communicated in a clear, understandable and apparent manner before completion of the package travel contract.


Sub-section 3 - Contents of the package travel contract, documents to be provided before the beginning of the package tour and the burden of proof

Art. L. 225-5.

  1. The package travel contracts are formulated in clearly comprehendible terms. If they are in written form, they must be legible. When the package travel contract is completed, without undue delay afterwards, the organiser or the retailer provides a copy or a confirmation of the contract for the traveller on a durable medium. The traveller is entitled to request a paper copy if the package travel contract was completed in person at the same time in the presence of the parties.

    Regarding contracts completed elsewhere, according to the terms of article L. 222-1, paragraph 1, point 2), the traveller will be provided with a copy or the confirmation of the package travel contract on paper or if agreed on another durable medium. The traveller expressly agrees that in this case, the package travel contract or its confirmation may be provided on another durable medium than on paper.

  2. The package travel contract or its confirmation reiterates the content of the agreement in its entirety, which includes all the information mentioned in article L.225-3, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1, letters a) - h), and the following information:
    1. the special requirements of the traveller that the organiser has accepted
    2. a note mentioning that the organiser is:
      1. responsible for the proper execution of all the travel services included in the contract in accordance with article L. 225-11; and
      2. is required to provide assistance to the traveller if they are in difficulty, in accordance with article L. 225-14
    3. the name of the entity responsible for insolvency protection and their contact details, including their postal address and, as the case may be, the name of the competent authority designated by the relevant member state and their details
    4. the name, address, telephone number, email address, and as the case may be, the fax machine, of the organiser’s local representative, a point of contact or any other service by which the traveller may quickly contact the organiser and communicate with them in an efficient way, request assistance if the traveller is in difficulty or to complain if nonconformities are observed in the execution of the package
    5. a note stating that the traveller must communicate any nonconformities observed during the execution of the package in accordance with article L. 225-11, paragraph 2;
    6. when unaccompanied minors, not accompanied by a parent or any other authorised person, are travelling on a package travel contract which includes accommodation, information allowing direct contact with the minor or the person responsible for the minor at the minor’s location whilst on the tour
    7. information about internal claim handling procedures and out-of-court settlement mechanisms (hereafter OCS) in accordance with book IV of the Consumer Code and, if applicable, about the relevant OCS entity the professional and on the online claim settlement platform as provided in (EU) regulation No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council of 21 May 2013 regarding the online consumer dispute resolution and amending the (EC) regulation no. 2006/2004 and directive 2009/22/EC (regulation about ODR)
    8. information regarding the traveller’s right to transfer the contract to another traveller in accordance with article L. 225-7
  3. Regarding packages defined in article 225-2, paragraph 1, point 2), letter b), point v) (meaning packages bought for the purpose of the same tour or break from separate professionals via linked online booking procedures, when the name of the traveller, the payment terms and the email address are transmitted by the professional with whom the first contract is completed to one or several professionals and when a contract with one of them is completed less than 24 hours after the booking confirmation of the first travel service), the professional to whom this information was transmitted informs the organiser that the contract has been completed thus resulting in the creation of a package. The professional provides all the necessary information for the organiser to fulfil their obligations.

    As soon as the organiser is informed about the creation of a package, the organiser provides the traveller with the relevant information as stipulated in paragraph 2, letters a)-h) on a durable medium.

  4. Information as stipulated in paragraphs 2 and 3 are presented in a clear, understandable, and apparent manner.
  5. In due course, before the start of the package, the organiser provides the traveller with the necessary receipts, vouchers and tickets, information about the scheduled time of departure and, if applicable, the latest check-in time as well as the scheduled stop-over, transfer and arrival times.

The traveller formally acknowledges having received a copy, respectively a travel contract confirmation at the time of completion of the contract in accordance with article 225-5 (1), as well as having received the information stipulated in letters a) - h) of article 225-5 (2) on a durable medium in a clear, understandable and apparent manner.
The traveller’s special requirements that the organiser has accepted, as mentioned in point a) of article 225-5 (2), must be confirmed in writing to be valid.

In accordance with article L. 225-5 (5), in due course prior to the start of the package, the organiser provides the traveller with all the necessary receipts, vouchers and tickets providing the traveller has paid the price of the package in full.

Art. L. 225-6.

The burden of proof is the professional’s obligation regarding their obligation to provide information.
The traveller who has concluded the package travel contract expressly confirms that the obligations to provide information were provided beforehand in a clear, accurate and comprehendible manner.

3. Transfer of the package travel contract to another traveller

The traveller is entitled, on the condition that the organiser is given notice on a durable medium as soon as possible and at least seven days before the start of the package, to transfer the package travel contract in accordance to article L. 225-7 of the Consumer Code, to another person who fulfils all the applicable conditions of this contract and on condition that the travel service providers formally accept the transfer.

The transferor of the package travel contract and the transferee are jointly responsible for paying the remaining balance as well as fees, or any other eventual extra costs resulting from the transfer.

The costs are not unreasonable and do not exceed the costs sustained by the organiser due to the transfer of the package travel contract but cannot in any case be less than 150 €, unless the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l..

4. Price changes

It is expressly agreed that once the package travel contract has been completed, prices may be increased on condition that these increases are due to a change in:

  1. the passenger transportation price due to the cost of fuel or any other energy source,
  2. the levels of taxes or fees for travel services included in the contract, imposed by a third-party which does not directly participate in the execution of the package, including tourism taxes, landing, or boarding and disembarkation taxes in ports and airports, or
  3. exchange rates linked to the package.

The price increases are calculated in proportion to the variations in the prices of transportation, taxes, fees, and exchange rates as listed above sub a), b) and c).

Any price increase is communicated with all the relevant detailed information to the traveller on a durable medium at least 20 days before the start of the package.

If the price increase is more than 8% of the total package price, the traveller is entitled to terminate the travel contract without having to pay any cancellation fees. The traveller’s decision to accept the price increases of more than 8% or to cancel the package travel contract must be communicated on a durable medium as soon as possible, and if the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. at least 3 working days after the traveller received the information about the price increase in accordance with the previous subparagraph.

Given that the package travel contract provides for a price increase, the traveller is also entitled to a price reduction which reflects any falls in costs as stipulated in sub a), b) and c), which might occur after completion of the contract and up to 20 days before the start of the package. In this case, the organiser is entitled to deduct actual administration expenses from the reimbursement owed to the traveller.

5. Amendment to other clauses in the package travel contract

Regarding clauses in the package travel contract other than the price, the organiser, at any rate if it is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., reserves the right to unilaterally amend them before the start of the package if they are only minor changes. The organiser informs the traveller of these amendments on a durable medium.

If the organiser is forced to change one or several of the main characteristics of the travel services in a significant way prior to the start of the package, as stipulated in article L. 225-3 (1), paragraph 1, letter a), or if they cannot satisfy special requirements, as stipulated in article L. 225-5 (2), letter a), or if they propose to increase the price of the package by more than 8% in accordance with what has been demonstrated in article 4) above of these terms and conditions, the traveller may, within a reasonable timeframe as established by the organiser, but if the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. at least 3 working days as of the proposition of a change:

  1. accept the proposed change; or
  2. cancel the contract without paying any cancellation fees.

If the traveller cancels the package travel contract, they may accept another alternative (replacement) package, if possible with the same level or higher level of quality, if this is proposed by the organiser and by way of, as the case may be, an additional cost that need to be accepted by the traveller.

The organiser informs the traveller without undue delay on a durable medium.

  1. amendments as stipulated in the 2nd paragraph of article 5) of these terms and conditions and their repercussions on the package price
  2. in a reasonable timeframe (which, unless the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., will not exceed 3 working days) within which the traveller must inform the organiser of their decision (acceptance of the proposed amendment or cancellation of the package travel contract)
  3. if the traveller does not respond within the timeframe stipulated in letter b), unless the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., the traveller has automatically cancelled the contract
  4. if applicable, the proposed replacement package, as well as its price.

6. Cancellation of the package travel contract and the right of withdrawal before the start of the package

The traveller is entitled to cancel the package travel contract at any time before the start of the package. When the traveller cancels a package travel contract, they must in principle pay the appropriate and justifiable cancellation fees to the organiser. The package travel contracts generally stipulate standard cancellation fees, mainly calculated based on the date of cancellation of the contract before the start of the package tour, as well as cost savings and estimated revenue from the renewed availability of the relevant travel services. The traveller declares in this case to acknowledge and accept the standard cancellation fees charged by the organiserWhen the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. the standard cancellation fees are as follows, unless expressly stated otherwise:

  • Up to 30 days prior to departure: 25% of the package price
  • From 29 to 10 days prior to departure: 50% of the package price
  • From 9 to 3 days prior to departure: 75% of the package price
  • Less than 3 days prior to departure: 100% of the package price

If the package includes plane tickets, the ticket cancellation fees for travellers will be those invoiced by the airline and the percentage of the organiser’s standard cancellation fees will be applied to the remaining balance of the package tour (e.g., on the package price after deduction of the plane ticket fare(s)).

If the package includes non-refundable services, (i.e., hotels, shows, sporting events, concerts, visits, excursions, etc.) the price for these services remains unaffected for the service providers affected and the percentage of the standard cancellation fees of the organiser will be applied to the remaining balance of the package tour (e.g., on the package price after deduction of the price of non-refundable services).

The traveller must inform the organiser and/or the retailer about the cancellation in writing on a durable medium.

The traveller declares having acknowledged that the retailer, if Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. travel agency sold the package tour, will invoice for an extra 10% compensation of the cancellation fees charged by the organiser with a 50 € minimum charge. In absence or in the event of cancellation, for any reason, the standard cancellation fees amount owed by the traveller corresponds to the price of the package after deduction of cost savings and expected revenue from the renewed availability of travel services.

Notwithstanding the above, the traveller is entitled to cancel the package travel contract before the start of the package without paying cancellation fees, if the exceptional and inevitable circumstances occurring at the destination or next to it, have a significant impact on the performance of the package or the transportation of passengers to the destination. The traveller must inform the organiser and/or the retailer of their cancellation of the package travel contract on a durable medium. In this case, the traveller is entitled to a full refund of all the payments for the package but is not entitled to any additional compensation.

The organiser may cancel the package travel contract and refund the traveller for the payments made for the package, but is not liable for any further compensation, if:

  1. the number of people registered for the package is below the minimum requirement, the traveller declares having been informed of the minimum number of participants, and that the organiser notifies the traveller of the cancellation of the contract at the latest:
    1. 20 days prior to the start of the package if the holiday is over 6 days long
    2. 7 days prior to the start of the package if the holiday is from 2 to 6 days long
    3. 48 days prior to the start of the package if the holiday is no longer than 2 days long
  2. the organiser is unable to fulfil the contract due to exceptional and inevitable circumstances and informs the traveller of the cancellation of the contract without undue delay before the start of the package.

7. Responsibility for execution of the travel package

The organiser is responsible for performing the travel services included in the package travel contract, regardless of whether the services must be performed by themselves or by other travel service providers.

According to article L. 225-11 (2), the traveller informs the organiser, without undue delay and regarding the circumstances of the case, if any nonconformities are noted when a travel service included in the package tour is performed. This is a compulsory indication provided for in letter e) of Article L. 225-5 (2) of the Consumer Code: The traveller is requested to inform the organiser as soon as possible of any nonconformity of a service included in the package travel contract and may request relevant assistance from the organiser if they are in difficulty, in accordance with article L. 225-14 of the Consumer Code.

The traveller may be entitled to an appropriate price reduction for any period of nonconformity of services provided unless the nonconformity may be attributed to the traveller.

Unless the nonconformity may be:

  1. attributed to the traveller
  2. attributed to a third-party not responsible for providing travel services included in the package travel contract and is unforeseeable or inevitable
  3. due to exceptional and inevitable circumstances

the traveller is entitled to relevant compensation from the organiser for any injuries due to the nonconformity of the services provided.

Article L. 225-12 (4) of the Consumer Code disposes: When international agreements that bind the European Union circumscribe the conditions in which compensation is payable by a travel service provider that provides a service that is included in a package or limits the extent of this compensation, the same limits apply to the organiser. In other cases, the package travel contract may limit the compensation to be paid by the organiser, as long as this limitation does not apply to personal injuries, nor to damages caused intentionally or through negligence and that it is no less than three times the total package tour price. In this case, the organiser, at least if it is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., stipulates that the predicted limitation applies to all tour package contracts and is therefore three times the total price of the package tour.

The traveller may send messages, requests or claims relating to the execution of the package to the retailer from whom the package was purchased, who then transmits them to the organiser without undue delay. To not compromise the safeguarding of the traveller’s interests, messages, requests or claims must be sent to the retailer without delay, e.g., as soon as the non-execution or respectively the poor execution of a service included in the package travel contract becomes apparent.

8. Payment terms

If the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. and unless agreed otherwise, payment terms are as follows:

  • a deposit of at least 30% of the package tour price is payable upon completion of the package travel contract, if this is not the case, the organiser and/or the retailer are entitled to cancel the contract due to the traveller’s fault, who is therefore liable for the standard cancellation fees in accordance with article 6) of these general terms and conditions.
  • if the transport tickets have been issued, they must be paid in full upon completion of the contract.
  • the remaining balance of the tour must be paid 21 days prior to departure at the latest. If this is not the case, the organiser and/or the retailer are entitled to cancel the contract due to the traveller’s fault, who is therefore liable for the standard cancellation fees in accordance with article 6) of these general terms and conditions. 
  • if the package travel contract was completed less than 21 days before the departure date, the tour’s price must be paid in full upon completion of the contract.

If the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., payment terms are as indicated by the organiser, the traveller declares to have acknowledged and accepted these terms. 

Either way, remittance of travel documents to the traveller may be refused if they have not paid the full price of the tour, this refusal does not mean that the traveller is exempt from fulfilling their obligations, in particular their payment obligations.

9. Miscellaneous

  1. Air transportation:
    Times and types of transportation mentioned are those communicated by the carrier at the time of booking. Dates, times, and departure and return details are set definitively once the travel documents have been remitted at the latest. The responsibility of the air carrier towards the passenger (delays, death, physical harm) as well as towards luggage (delay, loss, destruction) is governed by the Montreal agreement of 28 May 2009 as implemented by (EC) regulation no. 2027/97 (as amended) and by national legislation of Member States. The compensation amounts are limited as provided for in the Montreal agreement or any other applicable international agreement, as the case may be.
  2. The traveller declares that they have been informed about the mandatory formalities and indications to be followed for the smooth running of their tour, such as:

    1. The possibility to subscribe specific insurances that cover cancellation fees in the event of illness or other reasons as provided for by the insurance, as well as an assistance insurance that covers repatriation costs in the event of accident or illness.
    2. Entry formalities at the destination or transit country, the obligation to hold a valid passport (depending on the nationalities), obtaining a visa, if necessary, and getting the required vaccinations.
  3. Any eventual claim with supporting documents must be sent to the organiser and/or the retailer in writing within 30 days from the traveller’s return date. Notwithstanding the above and in any case, the traveller must inform the organiser of any nonconformities noted when a travel service is performed that is included in the package tour in accordance with article 7) 2nd paragraph, of these general terms and conditions.
  4. In any case, inter alia no matter where the traveller lives or where the package travel contract was completed, and at least if the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., the contract is governed by the (EU) directive 20015/2302 of the European Parliament and Council of 25.11.2005 regarding package tours and travel services as transposed in Luxembourgish domestic law of 25.4.2018 (articles L. 225-1 to L. 225-23).
  5. If one of the clauses of this package travel contract or these general terms, that are an integral part of the aforementioned contract, were to be declared null and void for any reason, the remainder of the package travel contract with its general terms and conditions remain in place.
  6. In the event of a dispute, the Luxembourgish courts are the sole competent jurisdiction. However, the traveller may use mediation via a commission called the “Luxembourgish Commission for Travel Disputes,” which was created to find out-of-court resolutions for travel claims, registered at 55, rue des Bruyères, L-1274 Howald, Luxembourg tel.: (+352) 496022 - 205, email: cllv@pt.lu;
  7. The mandatory financial guarantor of Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. is Mutualité Luxembourgeoise du Tourisme, mutual guarantee company, registered at 7, rue Alcide de Gasperi, L-2014 Luxembourg, tel.: (+352) 439444700.  Travellers may contact this organism, as the case may be, with the relevant authority (Ministry of the Economy, 19-21 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, tel. (+352) 24774700, email: travel@eco.etat.lu) if services are withheld due to the insolvency of Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l..
  8. The mandatory financial guarantor of Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., Mont St. Martin, is the Association Professionnelle de Solidarité du Tourisme, based at F-75017 Paris, 15 avenue Carnot, tel.: (+33) 1 44 09 25 35 or (+33) 1 44 09 88 00.
  9. The traveller who subscribed the package travel contract acknowledges having acted on their own behalf as well as for other participants in this package tour. They certify having communicated to the organiser and/or the retailer all the necessary information for the smooth running of the tour, including those regarding other people on whose behalf they completed the package travel contract, so that the organiser and/or the retailer may not be held liable for any nuisances and problems resulting from omissions or errors on their behalf. If the traveller provides inaccurate information that causes extra costs for the organiser and/or the retailer, these costs may be charged.
  10. The traveller accepts the transmission of information used for the completion of the package travel contract for it to be fulfilled and guarantees that consent was given by the other travellers for the same purpose. All personal data that is collected is handled in compliance with the current legal provisions in terms of data protection.  Travellers are entitled to access their personal data free of charge and may request its rectification if it is incorrect. For more information: https://tgl.lu/fr/protection-des-donnees
  11. If the organiser is not Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. and Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. does not intervene as retailer selling an organiser’s package tour, the traveller acknowledges being aware of and accepting the terms and conditions of this organiser, including and specifically conditions and cancellation fees of the package travel contract in the event of cancellation by the traveller.
  12. The traveller is informed that Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. acts on behalf of the WE LOVE TO TRAVEL, VOYAGES EMILE WEBER, JERRY TRAVEL, FENSCH VOYAGES brands and that it is a Luxembourgish company, with its Head Office at 1a rue Jean Piret, Luxembourg L-2350, and registered on the Luxembourgish Trade Register under the number B 254425 (VAT no. LU 33031940). Regarding the travel agency based in Mont St. Martin (France): Trade register no. 837486935, RCS BRIEY VAT no. FR 88837486935, IM054180002
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