“empoweringMobility” has already received several awards - come and take a look at them!
"Internationaler Busplaner Nachhaltigkeitspreis 2021"
Voyages Emile Weber has transformed local electric infrastructure into a “smart grid” network with the “FeederFLEX” charging software. This project was awarded the International Prize for Sustainable Development for the second time in Berlin.
"Prime promotionnelle" prize from the Nova Naturstroom fund
4 projects were honoured this time in one fell swoop: the company’s use of FeederFLEX, its construction of electric vehicle charging infrastructures, its carbon footprint assessment, as well as its operation of an electric bus for school transportation in the Municipality of Bissen.
"Luxembourgish Solar Prize 2021"
Voyages Emile Weber was awarded a special distinction on 26 October 2021 for its efforts in the field of sustainable mobility at the "Luxembourgish Solar Prize 2021."
“Prime promotionnelle 2018” prize from the Nova Naturstroom fund
eThis award is for all initiatives that promote renewable energies and ecological technologies in Luxembourg. “empoweringMobility” received this award on 30 May 2018 in the presence of the Minister of the Environment, Mrs Carole Dieschbourg.